pub fn encode_create_validator_account_script(
    sliding_nonce: u64,
    new_account_address: AccountAddress,
    auth_key_prefix: Vec<u8, Global>,
    human_name: Vec<u8, Global>
) -> Script
Expand description


Creates a Validator account. This transaction can only be sent by the Diem Root account.

Technical Description

Creates an account with a Validator role at new_account_address, with authentication key auth_key_prefix | new_account_address. It publishes a ValidatorConfig::ValidatorConfig resource with empty config, and operator_account fields. The human_name field of the ValidatorConfig::ValidatorConfig is set to the passed in human_name. This script does not add the validator to the validator set or the system, but only creates the account.


dr_account&signerThe signer reference of the sending account of this transaction. Must be the Diem Root signer.
sliding_nonceu64The sliding_nonce (see: SlidingNonce) to be used for this transaction.
new_account_addressaddressAddress of the to-be-created Validator account.
auth_key_prefixvector<u8>The authentication key prefix that will be used initially for the newly created account.
human_namevector<u8>ASCII-encoded human name for the validator.

Common Abort Conditions

Error CategoryError ReasonDescription
Errors::NOT_PUBLISHEDSlidingNonce::ESLIDING_NONCEA SlidingNonce resource is not published under dr_account.
Errors::INVALID_ARGUMENTSlidingNonce::ENONCE_TOO_OLDThe sliding_nonce is too old and it’s impossible to determine if it’s duplicated or not.
Errors::INVALID_ARGUMENTSlidingNonce::ENONCE_TOO_NEWThe sliding_nonce is too far in the future.
Errors::INVALID_ARGUMENTSlidingNonce::ENONCE_ALREADY_RECORDEDThe sliding_nonce has been previously recorded.
Errors::REQUIRES_ADDRESSCoreAddresses::EDIEM_ROOTThe sending account is not the Diem Root account.
Errors::REQUIRES_ROLERoles::EDIEM_ROOTThe sending account is not the Diem Root account.
Errors::ALREADY_PUBLISHEDRoles::EROLE_IDThe new_account_address address is already taken.
  • Script::add_validator_and_reconfigure
  • Script::create_validator_operator_account
  • Script::register_validator_config
  • Script::remove_validator_and_reconfigure
  • Script::set_validator_operator
  • Script::set_validator_operator_with_nonce_admin
  • Script::set_validator_config_and_reconfigure