pub fn encode_remove_vasp_domain_script_function(
    address: AccountAddress,
    domain: Vec<u8, Global>
) -> TransactionPayload
Expand description


Remove a VASP domain from parent VASP account. The transaction can only be sent by the Treasury Compliance account.

Technical Description

Removes a VASPDomain::VASPDomain from the domains field of the VASPDomain::VASPDomains resource published under account with address.


tc_accountsignerThe signer of the sending account of this transaction. Must be the Treasury Compliance account.
addressaddressThe address of parent VASP account that will update its domains.
domainvector<u8>The domain name.

Common Abort Conditions

Error CategoryError ReasonDescription
Errors::REQUIRES_ROLERoles::ETREASURY_COMPLIANCEThe sending account is not the Treasury Compliance account.
Errors::REQUIRES_ADDRESSCoreAddresses::ETREASURY_COMPLIANCEtc_account is not the Treasury Compliance account.
Errors::NOT_PUBLISHEDVASPDomain::EVASP_DOMAIN_MANAGERThe VASPDomain::VASPDomainManager resource is not yet published under the Treasury Compliance account.
Errors::NOT_PUBLISHEDVASPDomain::EVASP_DOMAINS_NOT_PUBLISHEDaddress does not have a VASPDomain::VASPDomains resource published under it.
Errors::INVALID_ARGUMENTVASPDomain::EINVALID_VASP_DOMAINThe domain is greater in length than VASPDomain::DOMAIN_LENGTH.
Errors::INVALID_ARGUMENTVASPDomain::EVASP_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUNDThe domain does not exist in the list of VASPDomain::VASPDomains in the VASPDomain::VASPDomains resource published under address.